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Moriah Katz

Official Author Portfolio

Moriah Katz is a Black/Jewish writer and editor. Her work explores the imprint of race, gender, and sexuality on the human experience, and can be found in Stellium Literary Magazine,, Queer26, and more. She holds a degree in Literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

linkedin profile.JPG
Image by Ren Ran

Portfolio of Work

Essay, Fiction, Poetry,


"Across the Meridian", Orange Peel Literary Magazine

August 2021

 I am twenty, and overwhelmed. It isn’t the heat, or the relentless singing of the estudiantinas wandering through the city. It isn’t the busses that don’t run on schedule, the food that arrives to my table at its own pace...

Image by Matthias Oberholzer

"Rochelle", Stellium Literary Magazine

February 2021,

Red dye drips onto the porcelain tiles, and for a moment Rochelle is confused. She looks from her swollen belly to the floor, and back again. She touches herself between her legs, sees that her fingers come away clean. She exhales...

Image by Gabriel Gheorghe

"Besties", The Queer26

September 2021

Her blood might as well have spelled “I love you Tair”, bright as it was on the concrete. She’d fallen off her board trying to get me to pay attention to her. Again. I was getting so tired of this...

Image by frappo

"The Shape We Come",

June 2021

In the beginning, oxytocin dwarfs all obstacles. J and I are happy to fumble through each other, are both generous enough to laugh at how little we know about the reality of building our relationship. Out of context, I can still laugh at our earliest moments...

Image by Chris Lee

"The Myths Between Us," Black Lawrence Press

Anthology: "Mamas, Martyrs, and Jezebels: Myths, Legends, and Other Lies You’ve Been Told about Black Women" coming 2023

I’m not sure how it happened. We were hitting the birdie back and forth, sweating profusely in the summer sun. I’m sure we were loud, because we always are, especially when we play; we scream for all the joy we missed in our respective childhoods...

White  Flower

"Diary Entry on Any Given Day in San Francisco," Soul in Space Mag

November 2021

Everything here has that Bay Area smell: half-washed and waiting. The Sun only shines down in spots half the size of a narrow porch (of which this house has two, one front, one back) -even that rectangle of gold is clammy where it embraces me...

Blue Flowers

"Poems on the Eve of Fleeing Los Angeles"

February 2021

two left turns down a cluttered side street / the letters came up cracking through the windshield / propped up on the hillside/
like a thing screaming it matters...

Image by Han Chenxu

"Paper Dreams", Ouch! Collective

October 2022

One little hope written in glitter ink and folded like a prayer. Just one. There couldn’t be anything wrong with putting that in my mouth. My thumb, other people’s toys, a set of keys. These had been the things to keep away from my tongue. But dreams?

Image by Drew Beamer

"Anger is a Secondary Emotion," Mental Realness Mag

December 2021

I think life has just become one long habit / of breaking things and cleaning them up. / Breaking things in all that nothing. / Breaking things / and waiting for someone else / to hand me a broom.

Image by Hannah C

"When your hugs don't bruise me / Happy birthday Aunt Tonya," Soul In Space Mag

November 2021

I called to wish you happy birthday. Your gratitude tumbled out the receiver, spit-covered and sweet like Now-and-Laters...

Image by Sandra Seitamaa


February 2022

Before I knew it, I was out the water, Jamie’s knees in my stomach and us all wet on the riverbank. I didn’t bother getting angry about the little hole in my foot, or pain biting me at the edges. Jamie didn’t bother either, just rolled offa me and pointed to a little chocolate crescent floating in the caramel color on her foot.

Poppy Flower

"The COVID Years Are How Later Plays Catchup", just femme and dandy lit mag

June 2022

Like this, I want my hair like this. Which is to say, I thought my hair was worth taking care of. Maybe even the rest of me, too.

Image by AARN GIRI

"Leslie and Rebecca", Querencia Press

Anthology: "Not Ghosts, But Spirits" 

She came quicker than I thought she would. Steps too confident for someone her age – someone our age – which is sixty-three but would suffice to say old.


"Motherhood or, The Girl With the Sad Tomatoes"

October 2022

Step one: conceive

Couple with a man you do not love but can (almost) depend on. Have brief sex that ends in shallow orgasm. Go numb in your toes. Lay supine. Hope for a miracle at forty-three.

Thanks for submitting!

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