Moriah Katz
Official Author Portfolio
Moriah Katz is a Black/Jewish writer and editor. Her work explores the imprint of race, gender, and sexuality on the human experience, and can be found in Stellium Literary Magazine,, Queer26, and more. She holds a degree in Literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Portfolio of Work
Essay, Fiction, Poetry,

"The Shape We Come",
June 2021
In the beginning, oxytocin dwarfs all obstacles. J and I are happy to fumble through each other, are both generous enough to laugh at how little we know about the reality of building our relationship. Out of context, I can still laugh at our earliest moments...

"The Myths Between Us," Black Lawrence Press
Anthology: "Mamas, Martyrs, and Jezebels: Myths, Legends, and Other Lies You’ve Been Told about Black Women" coming 2023
I’m not sure how it happened. We were hitting the birdie back and forth, sweating profusely in the summer sun. I’m sure we were loud, because we always are, especially when we play; we scream for all the joy we missed in our respective childhoods...

"Diary Entry on Any Given Day in San Francisco," Soul in Space Mag
November 2021
Everything here has that Bay Area smell: half-washed and waiting. The Sun only shines down in spots half the size of a narrow porch (of which this house has two, one front, one back) -even that rectangle of gold is clammy where it embraces me...

February 2022
Before I knew it, I was out the water, Jamie’s knees in my stomach and us all wet on the riverbank. I didn’t bother getting angry about the little hole in my foot, or pain biting me at the edges. Jamie didn’t bother either, just rolled offa me and pointed to a little chocolate crescent floating in the caramel color on her foot.
